Registration > Registration guidelinesRegistration guidelines May 17th 2023: Registration opening date June 18st 2023: Registration deadline for presenting authors to be included in the programme July 10th July 1st 2023: Registration deadline To register online to the 10th FAERE Annual Conference, please fill in the form by clicking on the following link: registration form. The conference fee should be paid on the FAERE website, following the instructions in the "Payment" section of the registration form. Registration includes access to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner. Presenters should register by June 18th to ensure that their communication is in the program.The event will take place in person. A reduced registration fee applies to students, unemployed and retired. Registration fees : Registration for the Annual Conference: Registration for the Annual Conference + Annual FAERE membership (from the membership start date) Annual FAERE membership (from the membership start date) A three-year FAERE membership (from the membership start date): €140 Only payment by credit card is accepted. To proceed with the payment of the conference fee, please click on the following link: payment module |
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